Like Sparky, I've had a lot of bethel-based dreams/nightmares. For me, it was always such a relief to wake up to my "present truth".
After a long weekend working overtime, I'm due for such a dream that will make me happy to get up early for work tomorrow. Otherwise, I have to wait until payday on Thursday when money is magically deposited in my bank account. Money is more happifying that waking from a bad dream.
When I was still "in", I had some terrific armageddon and demon attack nightmares. Those have all gone away.
Perhaps my worst nightmare was when I was in university and dreamed that I'd done a whole bunch of homework... but then woke up to realize that all that work was just a dream.
There was also that time that I dreamed I was a car muffler... I woke up exhausted.
And there was the time that I dreamed I ate a giant marshmallow. I woke up and couldn't find my pillow anywhere.